What We Do

Flint has spent the over 20 years assisting our customers in solving complex problems such as coastal erosion, dredged material management, dike/levee reinforcement, lagoon cap reinforcement and even subaqueous capping. Our offering of products and services are driven by our pursuit of efficient solutions to our client’s problems.


Flint manufactures a broad range of products to address the growing problem of geotextile tube structural core of island perimeter and groins (Ft. Pierce Marina)
coastal erosion. Our TITANTube®, TITANBag®, and TITAN ASATM have been used extensively by such public entities as the US Army Corps of Engineers, US Navy, Province of Manitoba (Canada) and the state of Colima (Mexico) in protecting infrastructure. Additionally, private project owners in countries around the globe have utilized Flint’s products to protect their property against the forces of coastal erosion.

In some of these applications, our TITANTube® geotextile tubes are used to form perimeter dikes of hurricane protection islands, habitat islands or restored marshlands. These beneficial use projects utilize dredged material for marsh or other habitat restoration  Often the dredged material can also be used to fill the tubes. Contact Flint for Technical Support to help with your project.


Flint offers TITANTube® high flow dewatering tubes which are used to passively dewater and sometimes to store sludge and sediment including municipal biosolids, pulp and paper sludge, fly ash, contaminated sediments and process waste from manufacturing and agriculture.  Alternatively for dewatering of mechanically handled waste, TITANLinerTM is designed to fit inside of a roll off dumpster for easy handling.

We also offer FLINTEXTM Geotextiles which are used to reinforce sludge lagoon caps and for other environmental purposes. When  FLINTEXTM high strength woven geotextiles are combined with our field services, lagoons are reinforced for safe final capping.

TITANBoomTM (patent pending) provides ultra heavy duty turbidity protection for dredging projects in open water. By completely sealing with the sea floor in a much narrower footprint than traditional boom, it protects sub aquatic vegetation (SAV) and other wildlife from turbidity.


TITANTube perimeter of runway extensionFlint supplies TITANTube® geotextile tubes to build dikes, dams or other structures. Their high strength, durability and the chance to use locally available material (sometimes waste) for fill make TITANTubes® ideal for these applications.

FLINTEXTM high strength woven geotextiles are used for reinforcement of soft soils for roadway construction, sludge cap reinforcement andlevee construction. Our field services division can even sew these into panels or large sheets. When strength and seam efficiency matter, call on Flint to get the most out of your reinforcement fabric.

Field Services

Flint is an environmental services company, classified as a small business based on FieldService1SBA guidelines, with a history of providing top notch specialty field services. Our award winning field service division, constructs large sheets of high strength woven fabric (sometimes acres in area) to reinforce sludge lagoon caps. This method of reinforcement can sometimes be done at a fraction of the cost of the traditional method of solidification in place.

Our field services division also uses our high strength seaming techniques to seam high strength woven geotextile (HSWG) for levee reinforcement or reinforcement of soft soils under roads.

FieldService2Flint can also furnish and panelize reactive core mats for subaqueous capping of contaminated materials. By targeting the particular contaminants in the sediment, this methodology reduces the required thickness of cap needed to safely contain the pollutants.

Marine mattress field filling is also among Flint’s field services. We can draw on our years of experience to complete the filling operation so the general contractor can focus on the mattress placement.

Flint also performs salt tolerant planting for marsh and dune restoration. We have worked for state and local agencies to help Mother Nature in the process of erosion resistance and habitat establishment.